"From 1955 till Present, popular music has declined to the point where it is now consistently "stupid" and homogenous."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4And wrong again:
"from 1955 till present, popular music has declined to the point where it is now consistently "stupid" and homogenous.
"From 1955 till Present, popular music has declined to the point where it is now consistently "stupid" and homogenous."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4And wrong again:
so i was scrolling through the latest morning worship videos and found our good friend tony m. explaining why the gb is not dogmatic.
you can find hirs reasoning at around the 3:30 mark here..
So in summary: The first century GB was not dogmatic and the modern day GB isn't either.
"As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse"! - Galatians 1:9 New International Version
"Guardians of the doctrine". - Geoffrey Jackson
its funny ive read some stories on here about how they have become so infuriated by what logic dictates as being true and their own denying of it because it completely screws up their belief and shows how hypocritical it is xd some look like a nuclear reactor about to blow xd.
share you experiences here :) .
I had a workmate, who was an inactive JW, yell at me when I started talking about ttatt. Another inactive person, with tattoos all over him and a jail history, kept on saying that it was the truth and that he was not in it because he was not ready.
Yet another one, an ex gang member, said the same thing about not being ready to return. He said that he was having too much fun to go back to the JWs at that point in his life. He also recalled with nostalgia how his father would take him out on field service when he was a child.
i have been disfellowshipped twice, and currently am- both times for sex.
i have a high need for sex in my relationship, and after 3 marriages, keep not finding that need in the other person.
so, i end up going out of the organization looking for it.
Irrespective of any needs you have there is nothing worthy to return to. "Serving Jehovah" is really serving the organization which pretends to be Jehovah's mouthpiece.
i know i have mentioned this on other posts.
as a born-in, i was obsessed with the watchtower.
it was god's organization.
Towards the end of my JW journey I was having panic attacks out in field service. I told the brother that I was with that "there's something wrong". He said yes but he thought I was speaking of myself instead of me talking about the situation we were in.
Our subconscious was speaking to us.
we were always told that as witnesses we were "sincere bible students".... carefully examining the scriptures.. yes, we were indeed taught much about the content of the bible, it's history, prophecies etc..... but it was always from one perspective....that of the society.
when the society changed its interpretations, we had to do the same..... so were we really "bible students", or "society students"?.
just a thought.....
Are Witnesses really "Bible Students"?
ok, i am not now, nor will i ever be a jw.
so ive been with my gf for over a year now and she has finally woke up to how destructive the cult was to her!
she turned to it more and had private tutors?
i have no interest whatsoever in stirring up controversy.. in fact, i find clashes of opinion to be debilitatingly negative.. so, i'd simply like to request that we narrow this discussion to evidence.. please watch this video which is tantalizingly titled :.
"there's no such thing as mental illness".. consider this data and listen to the presentation of cause vs. effects and give me your analysis and any evidence for conclusions you may draw.
we all have anecdotal tendencies, but i should remind you, anecdotal testimony isn't evidence, only opinion.________________________________________.
At the 17:20+ he quotes other MDs like Thomas Szasz, author of The Myth of Mental Illness, who have the same belief as he. Quoting his fellow believers? Some of those quotes seem to come from old sources like Szasz's book from 1961! That was before sophisticated brain scans were available.
I read Szasz's book 30 some years ago and I was not impressed.
i have no interest whatsoever in stirring up controversy.. in fact, i find clashes of opinion to be debilitatingly negative.. so, i'd simply like to request that we narrow this discussion to evidence.. please watch this video which is tantalizingly titled :.
"there's no such thing as mental illness".. consider this data and listen to the presentation of cause vs. effects and give me your analysis and any evidence for conclusions you may draw.
we all have anecdotal tendencies, but i should remind you, anecdotal testimony isn't evidence, only opinion.________________________________________.
I only got to the 1:39 mark when I realized where that video was going to go. He's going to accuse the psychiatric profession of having determined these maladies mental illnesses so that pharmaceutical companies could make bookoo bucks. There might be a point that mental illness has been over diagnosed. For example, regular depression that almost everyone has gone through because of a major crisis in their lives versus major depression which afflicts persons throughout their lives even if they have no personal crisis.
I have known schizophrenic persons and I know that there is something imbalanced in their minds; that is their brains. I have known bipolar persons who hallucinate and hear voices in their head.
Just because the pharmaceutical companies are making a killing doesn't mean that the concept of mental illness is wrong.
the articles and meeting parts have been missing something all along, as far as i can see.. jws are taught to demonize all 'worldly' ( not jws) organizations, individuals and religions as having no value only to be destroyed by god at 'harm-you-gettin'-( armageddon ).. why do they not mention islam?no scathing denouncements?.
the only publication i really remember, was the "mankind's search for god" book that touched on the beliefs and practices of muslims.. why do you think this is the case?.